Increased certification, risk and compliance demand – SAI Global
The firm said it coincides with a renewed commitment from government and regulatory bodies and increased focus on ensuring companies improve cybersecurity management, governance, risk and compliance (GRC) programmes.
Steve Thurley, SAI Global’s head of risk sales for Asia, will lead the market expansion. He has spent the last 24 years working across the Asia Pacific region for GRC and environment and health and safety vendor companies.
“During my time in the industry, expansion into Asia has been a growing focus for many international businesses. With expansion comes increased risk and to be successful companies must manage this risk intelligently.”
Thurley predicted demand would be highest for SAI Global’s GRC software Compliance 360 and IT risk software IT Risk Manager.
“Increased pressure to improve corporate behaviour from both customers and regulators coupled with the rising value of intangible assets is causing enterprise risk to skyrocket. The flow on effect of this is an increased amount of interest in GRC solutions.
“Prime Minister Lee’s launch of the Singapore Cybersecurity Strategy last year signals the country’s strong commitment to improving cybersecurity for all which bodes well for uptake of SAI Global’s IT Risk Manager software which is recognised as one of the best available products on the market.”
SAI Global is owned by Hong Kong-based Baring Asia Private Equity Fund VI (Baring Asia).
It acquired Modulo International (Modulo Security LLC), an IT governance, risk and compliance (IT GRC) technology firm from Brazilian parent company, Modulo Security Solutions SA, last year.