Singapore cultivated seafood firm Umami Bioworks believes that strategic mergers are crucial to overcome doubts about the sector and achieve buy-in from major brands which can help the category scale-up.
Cultivated meat company Cell AgriTech says it is benefitting from Malaysia’s advantage as a cost-competitive manufacturing hub as it outlines plans to roll out its first cultivated meat product by 2025.
European cultivated fish product firm Bluu Seafood has highlighted its plans for region-specific product innovation in the Asia Pacific region, in the wake of its first product announcement and bid for regulatory approval in Singapore.
Cultivated seafood pioneer Shiok Meats has revealed that its production costs have now dropped to the coveted US$50/kg milestone, bringing it even closer to realising its commercial launch plans by the end of 2023.
Pioneering cultivated seafood firms in the APAC region are now establishing individual pilot production plants to work on bridging the gap between laboratory R&D and manufacturing, in the industry’s next big step towards mass commercialisation.
E-FISHient Protein is developing raw material for fish cutlets, fish fingers, and fish balls, with plans to do the same for fish fillet, the start-up’s CEO Dana Levin tells FoodNavigator.
Singapore-based Umami Meats has highlighted its innovation focus on fish species that are popular as part of Asian cuisines but are also on the IUCN Red List in terms of vulnerability, targeting a 2024 product launch date for its blended cultivated-plant-based...