
Flouting home kill laws could see wrongdoers may face up to five years in prison

NZ government swoops on illegal meat operation

By Oscar Rousseau

An illegal yet sophisticated meat processing ring in greater Auckland has been shut down after a raid orchestrated by New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).

Half of Malaysian deaths now due to NCDs

Dateline Southeast Asia

Half of Malaysian deaths now due to NCDs

By RJ Whitehead

Non-communicable diseases are now responsible for half of all Malaysian deaths each year, according to a senior health official.

New food super-watchdog nearing reality

Chinese regulation

New food super-watchdog nearing reality

By RJ Whitehead

Anticipation that China will elevate the status of the existing State Food and Drug Administration to an all-encompassing body (SFDA) is mounting following the submission of a report to the country’s parliament’s annual session.

India considers removing its wheat export controls

Indian government may remove controls on wheat exports

By Ankush Chibber

India may soon see a final policy move that would lead to the government stepping back and removing its controls on the exports of wheat products, a move that until now has been a utopian dream for local farmers and millers.

India closer to deregulating its sugar industry

PM pushes India toward sugar deregulation move

By Ankush Chibber

India has taken a step closer to deregulating its sugar industry with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh constituting a special panel to discuss and examine issues around removing government controls from the sector.

India ponders sugar deregulation in 2012

India ponders sugar deregulation in 2012

By Ankush Chibber

The Indian Ministry of Food is in discussions with state governments and associated ministries to remove controls over the country’s sugar industry in the new year.

130,000 job losses by 2020: report

Australian food industry could shed 130,000 jobs by 2020, report

By Ankush Chibber

Failure to introduce reforms in Australia’s food and grocery sector now could see the country’s domestic industry become significantly less competitive by 2020 as falling growth will translate to job losses, a new report suggests.


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