Animal Welfare

Dog meat was allegedly sold to tourists who had no idea what they were eating

Tourists tricked into eating dog meat in Bali

By Oscar Rousseau

Holidaymakers are unwittingly eating dog meat on the Indonesian island of Bali, according to an Animals Australia investigation, raising questions about food safety and animal abuse. 

Left to right: Song Weiping, vice president, Da Bei Nong; Xi Chunling, ICCAW chair; Zhonghua Zhao, country director, World Animal Protection China

China takes big step toward improving pig welfare

By Oscar Rousseau

Chinese agri-food producer Da Bei Nong will introduce group sow housing and lower stocking density in a scheme that could radically change animal welfare for half the world’s pig population.

The need to reduce tail cutting was highlighted in the report

New Zealand: Animal welfare body airs ‘concerns’

By Oscar Rousseau

Concerns over selective breeding practices in New Zealand’s commercial pork and poultry farms have been raised in a report from the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC).

Legislation on animal welfare in China has been slow

China’s first welfare code for feed lots, slaughterhouses due in June

By Mark Godfrey

China will have its first draft animal husbandry and slaughtering standards code by June, according to the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), which is working with 30 domestic livestock breeding and slaughtering enterprises to draft the standards.

Exporters are required to account for how their animals are treated from arrival to slaughter

Australian cattle association welcomes welfare progress

By Georgi Gyton

The Cattle Council of Australia (CCA) has welcomed the positive improvement in animal welfare as recorded in the latest government report into the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS).

Australian turkey plant in welfare investigation

Australian turkey plant in welfare investigation

By Carina Perkins

Australian police are investigating a Sydney poultry processing plant after activists released footage which allegedly showed workers at the plant mistreating turkeys.

Australian Greens push government over animal welfare

Australian Greens push government over animal welfare

By Carina Perkins

Australia’s Green party has called on the ruling Labor government to “put their money where their mouth is” and make good on promises to establish an independent office of animal welfare.

Live exports under pressure in Australia

Australian Greens ramp up live export pressure

By Carina Perkins

The Australian Greens have increased pressure on the government to end live exports, publishing a five-point plan for ending the trade and establishing a robust domestic meat processing sector.

Australia lifts abattoir welfare standards

Australia lifts abattoir welfare standards

By Melodie Michel

The government of New South Wales (NSW) has announced measures to improve animal welfare at abattoirs after an undercover video exposing cruelty sparked controversy in February.

Indonesian abattoirs under investigation

Indonesian abattoirs under investigation

By Carina Perkins

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) is continuing to investigate a complaint of alleged animal welfare concerns at three Indonesian abattoirs.


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