Positive Nutrition 2022: Our FREE APAC series kicks-off with Nestle keynote - still time to register!

By Gary Scattergood

- Last updated on GMT

Nestle CEO to discuss Positive Nutrition in Asia
Our free-to-view Positive Nutrition series kicks-off with the first APAC event featuring an exclusive keynote presentation from Nestle's Singapore and Malaysia CEO.

Set against the backdrop of increasing consumer demands for products that prioritise health and wellness, in addition to great taste and texture, we’ll be focusing on the industry players at the forefront of innovation to meet these needs.

Registration for both APAC events is free.

In episode one on March 15 we’ll be shining the spotlight on Healthy Formulation​, with a special keynote presentation from Nestle’s CEO for Singapore and Malaysia Juan Aranols​,. Juan will cast his expert opinion across the healthy formulation space, including the latest insights into the firm’s plant-based developments. We’ll also be hearing from Ingredion and Cargill

The second and final edition in the APAC regional series on March 29 will focus on Better-For-You Beverages​, and kicks off with a presentation from Lesley Stevenson​ ​, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Manager at Frucor Suntory. Lesley will detail how the firm is innovating to meet healthy beverage trends, and shine the spotlight on where the category will go next. We will then hear from SweeGen and Kerry.

Both broadcasts take place at 3pm SGT. If you can’t make the date, registration allows you to the view the episode at any time of your convenience.

Gary Scattergood, Regional Head: APAC and Editor-in-Chief, said: “These are two of the hottest topics in the food and beverage sector today.

“In terms of Healthy Formulations, we know that consumers in APAC increasingly say they want healthier options, but equally they are not willing to compromise on flavour, texture and mouthfeel. In this edition, we'll be assessing the latest innovations across a whole host of categories, from healthy snacking to functional foods, and bakery to plant-based NPD to examine how the industry can formulate, reformulate and fortify to create better-for-you products that simultaneously appeal to the senses.

“Likewise, for Better-For-You-Beverages, from less sugar, to added functionality, and local ingredient innovation to limited editions, Asia's industry is increasingly innovating and diversifying to deliver growth. As some consumers shy away from beverages that are perceived to be unhealthy, we'll be shining the spotlight on the companies that are creating more functional products, beverages with reduced sugar, and those appealing to growing demands for natural products, as well as drinks that aid active lifestyles.

"We look forward to seeing you online!"

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