AFGC names new chief executive
Tanya Barden, formerly director of economics, trade and sustainability at the Australian Food and Grocery Council, has been promoted to chief executive, and will take her new post on July 3.
Her career has spanned public service and business, and has a background in competition, having occupied various roles in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, said the AFGC’s chairman, Terry O’Brien.
Subsequently, she was employed by energy retailer ActewAGL and has run her own online food and retail business.
“Tanya has been at the forefront of AFGC’s advocacy on key areas of reform, particularly flagging to governments the need to commit to strong energy market reform to reduce the cost pressures caused by the spike in energy costs,” O’Brien said.
“She has also led the sector’s trade agenda having driven an ongoing focus to improve market access through the reduction of non-tariff barriers.”
Geoffrey Anniston has stood in for Dawson since he resigned from his post earlier this year.