Asian shoppers more likely to check labels than Americans

Asian consumers are even more likely to weigh up food labels than their American and European counterparts before deciding which products to buy. More often than not, clean label will get the nod.

Consumers everywhere are generally paying closer attention than ever to what they eat, with more than half of all Europeans and 64% of Americans take a critical look at labelling when shopping. 

In Asia, though, this number is much higher, with 84% claiming to weigh up the label, GNT Group, the colouring major, has found after surveying 5,000 consumers from 10 countries spanning Asia, the Americas and Europe on their shopping and eating habits. 

Craving for clean labelling

According to the study, 68% of all consumers globally said they would usually choose healthier options, if such options were easy to find based on the clarity of information on their labels.

In China, Indonesia and Thailand, however, this sentiment applied to 73% of respondents.

Out of these, nearly two-thirds of global consumers will reject the presence of artificial colours, whereas in Asia, that number rises to 74%. 

The results show that natural ingredients are becoming more important all around the globe,” said Hendrik Hoeck, GNT’s managing director. 

To make the cut, labels should show clearly that a product’s food colours come only from natural raw materials, with these clearly indicated on the label. 

This development will continue to gather momentum in the upcoming years,” said Dr Hoeck.

People really do like grocery shopping

In terms of supermarket shopping habits, the survey suggested that over 60% of global shoppers will scope out a supermarket to get an overview of its products ranges and new offers. Only then do they decide on what to buy. 

Moreover, 47% claimed that they simply enjoyed shopping for groceries: they will browse the shelves no matter if they need to fill their fridge or not, GNT found. 

For them, visiting a supermarket is not an annoying duty but a chance to give themselves and their family a treat. 

Conversely, only around a quarter of all consumers wish to get grocery shopping over and done with as quickly as possible and thus always buy the same products.

The increasing consumer demand for a healthy and balanced diet also manifests itself in the shopping behaviour,” added Dr Hoeck

Consumers no longer choose their products inconsiderately but look out for new and better alternatives. This offers potential for food and beverage manufacturers who can meet the demand for healthy and natural products.”