Herbalife joins GHSI and DSM in bid to improve Indian child nutrition

Herbalife will partner with the Global Health Strategies Institute (GHSI) for one year on a mission to improve the nutrition of thousands of children in India alongside ingredients and nutrition supplier DSM.

Herbalife said it will be working with the GHSI and DSM to benefit over 10,000 Indian children between the ages of 5 and 12. The multi-level marketing company said the initiative was part of the School Health Programmes and Mid-Day Meal Scheme, two government nutritional initiatives designed to provide children with food supplemented with adequate quantities of iron, folic acid and vitamin A.

Herbalife said the plan was “part of its corporate social responsibility efforts”, and its partners will provide nutritional food for children in the country.

Anjali Nayyar, senior vice-president of GHSI, added: “Addressing the nutritional needs of children is critical in India. While this project will be implemented in one pilot state, we strongly believe this will be a giant step in ensuring every child in India has the right to good health.”

The institute will run its first analyses in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. It will then offer recommendations to Herbalife and DSM in terms of the most appropriate state to host the pilot of the project.

GHSI will focus on educating its partners on the “nutritional landscape” in India, offering ideas about what kind of nutritional support is needed. GHSI will also provide suggestions as to who should be targeted and expectations regarding the programme’s reach.