Watchdog pokes fun at Toblerone’s labelling
The 400g bar of the Swiss favourite announces on the label that it provides 16 servings within, even though the bar contains only 15 blocks.
“Picture, if you will, a gathering of 16 people, ready to tuck into their 400g bar of Toblerone, which conveniently contains 16 serves—according to the packet,” Choice wrote in its jocular summation.
“But as servee number 15 takes the last pyramidal piece, a problem becomes apparent: 16 serves but only 15 pieces.
“Clearly this logistical nightmare of mountainous portions can only be solved by breaking out the Swiss Army knife (which is why they were invented*), cutting one-sixteenth off every single piece and giving the resultant nougaty-chocolate crumb collection to the sweetless sixteenth.
“Either that, or it’s all-out chocolate war.”
The 200g range has 15 pieces and 8 serves, the 50g has 11 pieces and 2 serves, neither of which can be divided equally easily.
“Yep, it’s as cuckoo as a clock!” Choice said.