The proposed changes to the Australia New Zealand Food Code include using copper citrate as a processing aid for wine, defining processing ingredients in meat pies and reviewing enzyme processing aids.
Copper Citrate as a processing aid for wine
According to FSANZ, the Winemakers Federation of Australia (WFA) is seeking to amend Standard 1.3.3 - Wine Production Requirements (Australia only). The WFA want to be able to use copper citrate as a processing aid rather than just on a bentonite base as is currently permitted.
Copper citrate will aid processing in removing sulphides, in particular hydrogen, and would then be filtered out of the wine leaving just low levels of copper. The applicant has not specifically requested maximum levels of use to be set, instead Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) ensuring appropriate use.
The application also relates to Standard 1.3.3 - Processing Aids, which will apply to wine processing in New Zealand.
Mrs Mac's make application to define content of meat pies
FSANZ reports that Bakewell Foods, now trading Mrs Mac's have applied to vary Standard 2.2.1 to set a 25 per cent bare minimum level of meat flesh in pies and also disclosing the animal that has been used. As it stands a meat pie must contain 250 g/kg of meat, without defining the source.
The application has arisen based upon consumer fears over the processing of pies. Mrs Mac's is hoping that the move will improve the reputation of the industry. The application seeks to redefine the current definition as a 'meat pie means a pie containing no less than 250 g/kg of meat flesh'.
Mrs Macs have now simplified the application withdrawing the request to define the animal used in processing.
Reviewing Enzymes as Processing Aides
Finally, FSANZ has re-examined the safety of several approved enzyme processing aides and have decided that all are safe for use. The case is still in revue and submissions are being accepted on the safety of enzymes, proposed nomenclature changes and recent international regulatory changes that may impact on specific enzyme processing aids and enzymes that are no longer used or to be used in the future.
The initial assesments can be found on the FSANZ website FSANZ