Carlsberg breaks ground on Burma's 'first international brewery'

By Ben Bouckley

- Last updated on GMT

Carlsberg breaks ground on Burma's 'first international brewery'
Carlsberg’s CEO says his firm remains well-positioned for future growth after breaking ground on Burma's 'first ever' international brewery and starting construction on another facility in China.

A new Greenfield brewery in Dali, Western China will have a 10m hectoliter capacity while the firm claims to be building the first international brewery in Boga, Burma (Myanmar).

This last site will employ 500 staff and is situated near a major rice producing region.

Daniel Sjogren (pictured), MD of Myanmar Carlsberg, said: “We will have access to good quality water and the famous Bago rice.

Other raw materials such as malted barley and hops will be imported according to Carlsberg Group’s global specifications, he added.

Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen, Carlsbery CEO, said that Asia was an important growth region and the two new breweries would place Carlsberg in the “best possible position to capture a significant share of the future growth”.  

“China and Myanmar's breweries will both embrace modern brewing technology whilst placing significant focus on the environmental impact,”​ he added.

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