Exclusive documentary preview: MicroWarriors Special edition

MicroWarriors: Exploring probiotic power (and the powers that be)


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Spockumentary: MicroWarriors explores probiotics and the human microbiome in highly logical detail
Spockumentary: MicroWarriors explores probiotics and the human microbiome in highly logical detail
NutraIngredients went to LA recently to question two leading probiotic academics about probiotics and the microbiome and which we present exclusively here. The interviews form part of a new documentary to be narrated by Leonard Nimoy, better known as Spock the Vulcan from the TV series Star Trek.*

Part of a Special Edition of a documentary called MicroWarriors that is set for DVD and TV release in the US and elsewhere in May, Dr Gregor Reid and Dr Mary Ellen Sanders express excitement for the latest microbiome-based research, and share frustrations about what they see as the innovation-crushing and public health-threatening issues with certain regulators.

The interview is long but if you are invested in probiotics, take the time to listen as Reid and Sanders share rare insights and dig deep into a sector that has consumed them for their entire professional lives.

From the latest clinical data, to faecal transplants, foods versus drugs, battling chronic disease in the developing world, to the varying positions of the US Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), there is little of relevance to the probiotics field that is not discussed here.

And if you haven’t got 48 minutes right now, you know where to come to see more.

*The documentary was directed by Leonard Nimoy’s son, Adam Nimoy, and the Nimoy family have partly funded it.

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