As milk prices go up by a further Rs2 per litre, India’s Supreme Court has gone on record to acknowledge milk adulteration as “serious”, and has demanded that individual states sentence those convicted of it to a maximum of life in jail.
If you are a regular reader of this news service, you would be hard-pressed to find just one month in the last two years when we have NOT reported on a food safety issue in China.
The aflatoxin-tainted milk scandal that has gripped Mengniu Dairy since the end of 2011 is damaging short term, but China’s biggest dairy is unlikely to suffer long term damage in its sales and share price, say analysts.
Three deaths from nitrite tainted milk in China show that the country still has some way to go to clean up its dairy industry. One of the authors of a new study1 on the 2008 China melamine milk scandal explains what has gone wrong and what reforms are...
Two of the world’s leading suppliers and manufacturers of dairy goods have moved to play up their commitments in China as the legacy of the ongoing melamine scandal continues to impact on their operations.